
The environment is a fundamental aspect of Our Mission, Company Policy, Core Values, Code of Conduct, and CSR commitments. UPG P&C operates under an Integrated Management System (IMS) that includes the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System (EMS). Since adopting ISO 14001 EMS in 2008, the company has been consistently enhancing its environmental performance by analyzing, setting, implementing, and evaluating annual environmental objectives and targets. In 2018, UPG P&C received the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2018, for its two environmentally friendly and energy saving products.

Introduction of Solar System Project at UPG Paint Factory

In November 2023, we launched a renewal energy project called ‘Solar System Project’ at our factory, aiming to integrate renewable energy into our operations. The primary objectives of this project are to reduce our carbon footprint by decreasing both direct and indirect CO2 emissions, reduce the use of biofuels in our own power generation, promote the use of sustainable energy sources, minimize the environmental impact of our activities, and enhance environmental awareness among our stakeholders. The project involves the installation of solar panels with a generation capacity of 359.1 kW DC/ 300 kW AC.

Waste Management

UPG Paint Factory generate both non-hazardous wastes and hazardous wastes.

Non-Hazardous Wastes

These wastes include sediment from effluent tank, sludge from effluent treatment plant, scrap timber and saw dust, paper products and packaging materials, scrap metals (excluding lead), wooden pallets, kitchen and garden wastes, human excretion, and other inert wastes.

Hazardous Wastes

The wastes will include paint chemicals, laboratory chemicals, hydrocarbon wastes, paint solvents, spent batteries, asbestos and fiber glass, photocopier and printer ink, plastics, tiers, and other inert wastes.

Waste Reduction and Disposal

UPG employs the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) strategy for waste management. The following wastes are reduced or reused. – Paper products and packaging materials, scrap metals, batteries, plastics, and tires. The plastic and paper wastes are recycling materials in Myanmar and are sold out to our contracted recyclers.


The hazardous wastes generated from the production of solvent-based paints, as well as those from the QC and R&D laboratories are collected in drums and stored at the scheduled waste storage area. Subsequently, they are disposed of in the Yangon City Development Council – YCDC’s designated landfill, following the IMS procedure outlined in the UP-CM07 Waste Management Manual.

Annual Waste Reduction Targets

In 2023, our waste reduction targets were intensity based. These targets were verified by our internal Objectives and Target Initiative Team, which comprises a diverse group of internal experts led by the General Manager. The targets were: (1) To maintain effluent discharge quality with BOD ≤ 50 mg/l and COD ≤ 250 mg/l. We successfully achieved this target. (2) To reduce the volume of effluent discharged from our water-based paint plant to ≤ 11 m³ per 100 MT of production. This target was also achieved. (3) To reduce the volume of hazardous waste generated from our solvent-based paint plant to ≤ 20 kg per 100 MT of production. We met this target as well.


These progress reports are also submitted annually to the UNGC through UNGC CoP reports and Myanmar Responsible Care Council (MRCC), which then includes them in the country’s annual report to the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA).

UPG’s Waste Generated in 2022 and 2023 (Metric Ton)
Year Non-Hazardous
Waste (MT)
Hazardous Waste
Total Waste
Waste %
Own Wastewater Treatment Plant at UPG Factory
Wastewater Treatment Plant at UPG Paint Factory

UPG installed its own wastewater treatment plant at the factory to pretreat effluents. The details of the UPG’s wastewater treatment plant are as follows.

  1. The wastewater is initially filtered through a screen filter to remove large solids and allowed to flow into the balancing tank.
  2. The effluent is then pumped into the pH adjustment tank and adjusted the pH to 9.5 by addition of sodium hydroxide.
  3. After that it is sent to the coagulation tank and subjected to coagulation by adding FT72 to neutralize the surface charges of the colloidal particles and the fine floc will be formed at this stage and then, it is conveyed to the flocculation tank.
  4. Flocculants is further added to the coagulated water to enlarge the size of sludge particles. Then it is sent to the clarifier. The sludge particles will settle down to the bottom of the clarifier. The wet sludge is pumped into a sludge holding tank before pumping it to the filter press.
  5. The filtrate from the filter press is then pumped into the balancing tank. The dried sludge will be kept in bags and disposed of at the land fill.
  6. The supernatant from clarifier is then sent to the supernatant tanks.
  7. The water from the supernatant tanks is transferred to Biological Treatment Tank which has activated sludge (microorganisms such as bacteria, and protozoa for the decomposition of organic matter) and Air Diffusers.
  8. The treated water from Biological Treatment Tank is transferred to the clarifier.
  9. The treated water from clarifier overflows to the Chlorination Tank and dosed by Chlorine automatically.
  10. The sludge particles will settle down to the bottom of the clarifier. The wet sludge is pumped into a sludge holding tank before pumping it to the filter press.
    (Check the amount of activated sludge in Biological Treatment Tank and transfer the sludge particles into Biological Treatment Tank if necessary)
    The Chlorinated treated wastewater is passed through sand and carbon filters and then tested pH and DO daily. Dissolved solids, suspended solids, BOD, COD, Residual Chlorine, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Iron and Total Coliform Bacteria are tested.
  11. The water is discharged into the drain. If it does not meet the standard, then the water is recycled to the balancing tank and subjected to treatment as before.
  12. The sludge from the wastewater treatment plant is buried in UPG’s designated landfill.
Single-Use Plastic

UPG is committed to minimizing single-use plastic within its operations. While we do not intentionally use single-use plastic, any unintentional usage is kept to a minimum. UPG is actively investigating our practices to identify and further reduce the usage of single-use plastic.

Water Withdrawal and Consumption

In 2023, we withdrew and consumed groundwater for our production and miscellaneous needs, sourced from our own well-reservoir on the outskirts of Yangon. In 2023, we fully consumed all the withdrawn water. We did not engage in withdrawing and consuming other types of water. We do not operate our production at water stress areas.

UPG’s water withdrawal and consumption figures for 2022 and 2023
Year Ground Water (Megaliter) Third-Party Water (Megaliter) Total Water (Megaliter)
Air Pollution Control

UPG Paint Factory has potential sources of air pollution primarily include certain particulate matters, chemicals, solvent, as well as emissions from electricity generators, and vehicles. The factory is implementing emission control measures as follows.


  • The factory is installed with dust collectors, exhaust blowers, to reduce the particulate matters and VOC emissions.
  • Annual monitoring of air quality within and around the factory premises is conducted with collaboration of the Environmental Management Taskforce, Pollution Control & Cleansing Department of the Yangon City Development Committee. Outdoor air quality monitoring includes measurements of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and PM10 and PM2.5. Indoor air quality monitoring will include VOC emissions.
  • The factory is following the National Emission Guidelines of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MOREC). and the guidelines of International Finance Corporation (IFC) regarding the environment.
Carbon Emission in 2023

We measured the direct CO2 emissions from our factory, which were generated by our own generators during the blackouts. In 2023, the direct CO2 emissions from internal electricity generation at UPG’s factory amounted to 212 metric tons. The indirect CO2 emissions, based on our factory’s electricity consumption from the government supply in 2023, indirect CO2 emissions from the government electricity supply at UPG’s factory in 2023 were 594 metric tons.

UPG’s Direct and Indirect CO2 Emissions in 2023
Year Description Metric Ton
Direct CO2 Emissions (From Own Generation)
Indirect CO2 Emissions (From Government Supply)